HB90 Alumni and Sarra Cannon Fan


I probably sound like a broken record when I talk about Sarra Cannon and her Heartbreathing YouTube Channel. What Sarra does for indie authors is unequaled. Other author channels teach the fundamentals of being an indie author or of writing a novel. But Sarra gives us tools to help deal with some of the more difficult subjects facing an indie author. Namely burnout. Authors, especially indie authors and possibly new traditionally published authors, tend to overextend themselves. We are often overwhelmed by all the things we believe we must do to be successful.

Sarra’s HB90 Bootcamp taught me to plan for the life I wanted. Her method breaks things down in 90-day goals. I would suggest this course for anyone who is a small business person or entrepreneur. I don’t use everything she taught me in the exact same way she taught it, I have adapted Sarra’s method to fit my life. That is another thing I love about Sarra. She realizes all of us have our way of viewing the world and we have to take what works for us from her method, and fit those ideas into our crazy lives.

Sticky notes and journals are my friend. Making lists, breaking things down into smaller, bite-sized pieces or more accurately into achievable tasks to reach the overall goal. Sarra also insists on adding mental health breaks and physical breaks into our plans. Planning to succeed means being happy, healthy as well as making money. I believe the happy and healthy falls by the wayside in our race to sell books.

One of the reasons I am affiliate for Sarra’s HB90 Course is because I believe in it. I believe in her. I have a tendency to believe I can do everything but there are only 24-hours in a day and I need to sleep sometime. After taking the HB90 the first time, oh, as an alumni I can take the class anytime it’s offered and continue to have access to the information even if she makes changes in the material or videos.

Course Information: Enrollment is open now! Feel free to share!

Course Dates: September 11-17th with the live kick off call on the 11th at 3PM EST via Facebook or YouTube

Course Price: Students have a choice pay in full at $199 (best deal), 3-month plan of $75 a month for 3 months or a 6-month plan at $38 a month for 6 months.

Enrollment will close at Noon EST September 11th.

Yes, I get a small commission if you use my affiliate link but even if I didn’t I would still promote this course. If you’re not sure about taking Sarra’s HB90 Bootcamp then check out her YouTube Channel. It’s a great way to get to know Sarra and decide whether she’s a good fit for you. I find her uplifting and real, she makes me think and fills me with hope for my future success.