It’s Spring and I’m Sprung!

Spring is in the air and summer is right around the corner, at least it is in eastern North Carolina. With the warmer weather comes new opportunities. I recently had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Carteret Writers Conference Quadrennial Celebration. They celebrated 40 years of service to the writing community. It was a joy to be a part of the celebration and to attend this awesome event.

A new book released on April 19th, an international anthology in which I am one of sixteen authors with novellas published by The New Romance Café Writers Group. The anthology is Rock My World, a collection of rockstar romances in various romance subgenres and heat levels.

Sunday, April 30th, from 1 to 4 pm, I will be one of forty local authors at the New Bern Farmers Market for an Author Event. There will be books, prizes, music, and food. If you are a book lover or need a gift for someone who is, this is the place to be. The books and authors vary from children’s books to genre fiction to non-fiction. There is literally something for everyone.

Tuesday, May 2nd, I will be speaking at the Aurora-Richland Senior’s Club. This is my home turf and I’m looking forward to sharing stories with my neighbors, many of whom inspired my fiction.

As you can see, I am once again burning the candle at both ends. Juggling writing, working, family and extracurricular activities isn’t always easy and if I’m honest, I don’t always do it well. Getting out and being with other authors, writers and readers fills my well and helps me cope with those days when life is weighting me down. But finding the balance between what I want to do and what I need to do, versus what I have time to do, isn’t always easy.

I learned a hard lesson recently. As much as I hate to admit it, I can’t do it all and I have to set limitations on myself and my time. UGH! I let myself get burned out and became susceptible to sickness. If we don’t take time to rest our bodies will do it for us, sometimes by forcing us to spend a week in the hospital. I’m reminded of the poem, “I could not stop for death, so he kindly stopped for me…” Well, thankfully, it wasn’t death that stopped for me, but pushing myself beyond my limits could have ended very badly had I not listened to the S.O.S. my body was sending out.

With this warmer weather and the incentive to get out and do more, I’d like to also say, take time to rest and relax. Renew your mind and spirit. Remember that a sportscar performs better when it has been tuned, fueled, and maintained. Our bodies need the same consideration. So, tune up your body with rest, fun, and things that make you feel good. Fuel your body not just with good food but with good friends, and things that inspire you. We can’t keep giving if we don’t have anything left to give. Maintain your mental health as well as your physical health by listening to what your mind and body needs. Don’t ignore the warning signs that tell you when you are reaching burn out. Take time to walk in the sunshine, sit on the porch and listen to the birds sing, or ride out to the waterfront and listen to the waves lap against the dock. Whatever restores your soul, take time to do it.

Wishing you all a happy spring!

The Americans are Coming

Trent’s Melody

Chrome Pink (Free)